Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's Mythical Being Lesson: The Phoenix

Today on Realms of Thought they are talking about favorite characters. In fantasy, these characters are not necessarily human.

Join us in the Cybrarie for Professor Washington’s Magical Beings class. Today's lesson is on phoenixes. If you want to follow along, open your copy of the text book The Destineers Journal of Fantasy Nations to page 119. Phoenixes are the most gorgeous creatures I have ever seen! Myrrh is the name of the phoenix we met in the Netherscape. He is very wise. Well, he is immortal, so I suppose he possesses the wisdom of the ages. He is extremely peace loving which is not easy in these troubled times and he has the keenest eyesight – he can see things that are happening miles away. Actually, Professor Washington says he can see all the way to the edge of the world.

Did you know a single Phoenix tear can cure any physical ailment a human might have? And their songs...oh, they are hauntingly beautiful. The song makes you feel totally at peace - with yourself and the world as a whole. It inspires you to feel like anything is possible. It fills you with hope.

We need a small bottle of phoenix tears for potions class this year…and a feather from a giant golden eagle. I’m betting the phoenix tears are to heal us after we try to get the eagle feather. Wonder what we’ll use the giant golden eagle feather for?!?

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Well, I hope to see you in class over at the Cybrarie! Wow-look at the time! Professor Washington hates it when we’re late for class! Gotta run!


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